Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Well Again Sept. 2010

Attended “The Well” tonight with 4 sweet guests: Lori Bland, Karin Stateler, Heather Foote and Kaylan Locker. Diverse age groups were covered in our friendships – 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. Saw 2 surprise friends there – Pam Jones and Debbie Weidenhamer – unexpected treat and a reminder to give them blessings for being such special people. What a refreshment to listen to Cindy Ryan speak from her heart and her experiences. I need to write so I will remember…

1. God loves us - personally, intensely, like a parent loves a child; this love never goes away

2. Be still and God will find me – take time out from busyness and distractions; don’t rush; wait for God’s timing and direction

3. “Follow me.” – Jesus Just follow Christ. How will I know what to do and where to go? I will know; his message will be repeated to me through his word, through sermons and readings, through other people

4. God will provide – I don’t need to worry about how I will do what tasks he sets before me – he will provide what is needed; always has, always will

Good to know; good to be reminded.

Ordered the book, The Sacred Echo, as an e-book for my iPhone. We’ll see what happens next.

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