Saturday, January 28, 2012

Guess What Happens

Guess What?!

Proverbs 28:20 A faithful person will abound with blessings

Matthew 9:13 But go and learn what this means, I desire compassion and not sacrifice for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners.

What would happen if you volunteered to teach Sunday School? What would happen if you signed up to be a volunteer for Project Read? What would happen if you applied to become a Stephens Minister? What would happen if you tried to read the whole Bible in one year and kept accountable to others on the same calendar challenge?

I don’t know the Bible. I am not a good Christian. I am lazy. I am a sinner. I hang with the wrong people. I am not good enough. I am not smart enough. People will think I’m weird. People won’t like me. I don’t have time. I don’t have enough love in my heart. I need to take care of my own family. Those are possible excuses. But guess what happens when you do it?! You expected to be the teacher, but you actually become the learner – through your submission to God’s call, He teaches you! Before the lessons come up on the calendar, He gives you experiences; He gives you scriptures with repetitive messages that bring you along on your own spiritual journey. He brings you into closer relationship with him. And if you happen to hang with the wrong people, you will be surprised at how many of them he brings along to Him on their own journey of growth.

My current high school age Sunday School lesson is about Jesus and Matthew. See Matthew 9. Jesus calls Matthew, the despised tax collector, and guess what happens next! Matthew throws a big party at his house and invites all his friends (also despicable sinners) to meet Jesus. Imagine…you invite friends to an event, building a positive relationship and Jesus gets involved in their life too! I’m just sayin’. Don’t doubt God’s power to work through your simple act of answering his call to a small service – he will reward you with growth in your own understanding while he also works with other people.

I am in awe! I am amazed! God is always there, always waiting for us to come to him for blessing. He operates on plan A, plan B, plan C, until….?

If you are called like my friend to go on a mission trip to Peru, Haiti, New Orleans, or wherever – go for it. If you can host a party for your friends to build a relationship – do it. If you can invite someone to participate with you in a learning event – don’t pass it up. There is so much spirit among us hovering like a hummingbird, waiting at attention like the best restaurant staff, hanging over us like a fog cloud, just bursting at anticipation that we will say “yes” and accept glorious blessings that are precipitously available to everyone, anyone, including me, including you.

Matthew 10:27 what I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops.

2 Corinthians 4:13-14 we believe, therefore also we speak; knowing that He who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and will represent us with you.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Best of...

Best of 2011

Reflections on a good year…

Activity – swimming with dolphins at Dolphin Research Center, Marathon, FL

Art – Heart & Soul Boxes for Erica & Chelsea created by Sharen Chatterton

Book – Unbroken by Laura Hillebrand

Clothes – jeans, pajamas, Uggs

Commercial – Etrade baby

Drink- chai tea, Starbucks French Roast, Corona with lime

Food - apple pie with crust from Julia Child recipe topped with Bluebell Homemade Vanilla

Game – Words with Friends

Gift – custom made fire poker from Grapevine blacksmith shop

Live music – Willie playing at Red Rocks with his son, Luke

Movie – Bridesmaids

News – first grandchild is on his way!

Place - home

Restaurant for breakfast – The Village Smithy, Carbondale CO

Restaurant for dinner – CafĂ© Italia, Grapevine TX

Scripture – Psalm 1:3 (my daily prayer for my family, paraphrased for plural) And we will be like trees firmly planted by streams of water, which yields fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither, and in whatever we do, we will prosper.

Sermon – 2/26/11 Cindy Ryan speaking at the funeral service of pastor Ken Diehm

Songs – Who Are you when I’m Not Looking, Blake Shelton; Free, Zac Brown Band

Spa – Spa of the Rockies, Glenwood Springs CO

Sports Event – Dallas Mavericks win the NBA championship

Sight – Half Dome, Yosemite National Park

Thank you, my sweet Lord, for answered prayers, precious moments and blessings beyond our best dreams!